MCL #2: Viable Learning Outcomes Series




Doing school in Industrial Age schools has been mostly relegated to the lowest level on a taxonomy of thinking: regurgitating factual often irrelevant information.  The curriculum has been notoriously criticized as being “an inch deep and a mile wide.” The Viable Learning Outcomes Series is about identifying the rigorous, relevant and viable knowledge that learners need to be prepared for life in this rapidly changing world. Rigor signals learning that is higher up on a taxonomy of thinking.  Relevancy focuses on critical concepts and skills. Viability means doable in the timeframe we have the learners.  These three descriptors are the standards for this Viable Learning Outcomes Series.

The 3 Learning Paths in the Viable Learning Outcomes Series are:

  • Background Knowledge
  • Articulating Learning Outcomes
  • Organizing Learning Outcomes

Additional information


Administrators, Educational Specialists, Gifted Intervention Specialists, Instructional Coaches, K-12 Educators, Superintendents, Teacher Leaders

Continuing Education Credits

Act 48 (Pennsylvania)