Viable Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are derived from a future-focused design process. They are organized in progressions that define what learners need to know and be able to do. Learning outcomes provide focus for instruction and incorporate a variety of learning formats (e.g., seminars, labs, online, etc.) with explicit consideration for how an outcome is best learned.
The Collaborative for Customized Learning was originally created by six schools in 2010 to bring their teachers together to unpack and align a set of learning progressions to their State’s standards. Since 2010, teachers from a number of school systems have collaborated to build upon the CCL Learning Progressions.
The CCL Learning Progressions are a good example of using the theory of Form follows Function, along with the MCL Vision to start with a set of design principles before creating an important and essential product for our schools to implement MCL. The design principles include, learners moving at an appropriate pace, providing multiple pathways and ways for learners to reach learning goals, accommodating anytime and anywhere learning along with outside learning opportunities and providing learners with choice.

CCL Progressions in all content areas provide our member systems with a set of scoring scales/rubrics that articulate progressive learning goals, with specific levels of rigor (critical thinking) with a defined set of evidence statements that offer learners multiple ways to demonstrate proficiency. These progressions are also tagged to national and state standards and include instructional notes written by teachers/learning facilitators.
One of the reasons why school systems join our collaborative is to gain access to these CCL Learning Progressions. All members provide support for updating and revising them. Many systems have found the best way to build capacity is to have groups of their teachers participate in this revision process.