July 17th & 18th  (9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST)

In Portland, Maine 

Inspiring Transformational Shifts to Accelerate Customized Learning

Please join us as educators from across the country meet to learn, collaborate, and generate innovative solutions for how Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools can help provide a customized/personalized learning experience.

Our Summit will feature local and national speakers presenting keynotes and workshops on the opportunities and challenges Artificial Intelligence Tools present.

Our Event will:

  • focus on AI and Customization/Personalization:

    • how to work with AI tools in the classroom,

    • how AI can make customization/personalization easier,

    • what adjustments educators will need to make to leverage new technology and manage customization.

  • provide networking opportunities,
  • highlight the work of learners, facilitators/teachers, and leaders who are designing and transforming their school structures to provide rigorous, interdisciplinary instruction while making real world, authentic connections,

  • focus on teaching the whole child by developing critical thinking skills and building learning experiences that include thinking skills and habits of mind/dispositions.

  • include engaging “learn & play” sessions that provide summit participants with opportunities to practice. 

    Our 2 days will include:

    • Keynote messages from local and national speakers.
    • Breakout & Vendor Workshops
    • Facilitated conversations that engage all audience participants
    • Access to private book studies (AI, Quality Instruction, MCL)

      Registration Fees:

      • Early Reg. (until 5/25): $475/person
      • Early Reg. (Teams of 3+): $450/person until 5/25
      • General Reg. after 5/25 : $500/person
      • General Reg. (Teams of 3+) after 5/25: $475

      Registration fee includes continental breakfast, luncheon, and afternoon refreshments on Wednesday and Thursday.

      Lobster Bake: All summit attendees, family, and friends are invited to attend our Maine Lobster Bake @ our Summit Hotel, for an additional costs ($140). Choice of Lobster (1 ¼ lbs), Chicken or Beef.

      Schools and other education organizations are encouraged to “send” teams and make their participation a collaborative experience. 

      Wheel Transparent

      Vendor Information: We welcome vendors that offer a product that supports our MCL Vision for designing the Ideal Learning Experience. 


      Vendor tables are available for our two-day event along with a limited number of breakout sessions to vendors who would like to present a more detailed presentation. We encourage vendors to team up with an MCL Implementer when they present.


      Costs for Vendors:  

      • Vendor Table: $600
      • Vendor Breakout Session: $600
      • Advertisement flyer: $200
      • Advertisement on side of participant bag: $600


      To indicate an interest as a vendor

      Please contact Event Coordinator, Linda Laughlin @ [email protected]


      • Teachers/Learning Facilitators
      • Library Media Specialists & Technology Integrationists
      • Instructional Support Staff
      • School Leaders
      • Parents & Homeschool Parent Networks
      • Businesses that Support our Vision

      Host Hotel

      Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring St. Portland, Maine (https://www.innbythebay.com/)


      A limited number of rooms are being held at the Holiday Inn by the Bay until June 14, 2024. (http://www.innbythebay.com/) Call 1-800-345-5050 or 1-207-775-2311 and mention our MCL Event to receive event pricing. Call soon as Portland is a popular destination in the middle of July.

      Room Rates

      $279 for single or double occupancy, Maine State Lodging Tax (currently 9%)

      Rates are good for one day before and one day after event. These are exceptional prices for visiting Maine in the middle of the summer.


      Overnight guests park under the hotel for $15 per vehicle, per night. Day guests park in the external garage at a rate of $10 per vehicle per day.

      Summit Host: Your summit host is The Collaborative for Customized Learning (CCL). CCL is an organization of schools, systems, businesses and individuals collaborating to help each other transform their practice. CCL Members look forward to sharing and learning from their collaboration with all event participants. Summit attendees are encouraged to consider membership with the Collaborative for Customized Learning. See our membership tab on our website or talk with one of our members for membership details. collaborativeforcustomizedlearning.org


      The Collaborative for Customized Learning is proud to host the 8th Annual MCL National Summit
