Our mini-summit on “Providing Learners With Effective Feedback” is scheduled for January 12th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This will be a full day, online book study using Susan Brookhart’s book: “How to Give Effective Feedback To Your Students 2nd Edition” Our one day mini-summits are designed to provide content, time to process with others, and conclude with creation of an implementation plan. It is nice when there are a variety of learning communities represented so there are conversations among and across a variety of learning facilitators/teachers, and leaders, but by the end of the day we will group participants together within their own systems so they can develop a plan. If there is only one person from a system attending we will group them with similar participants and encourage them to build an individual plan. These conversations often show educators why it is important to adopt different grading/feedback structures.