Notice below the titles and links to support materials for the presentations that our MCCL Presenters are providing at the 2018 Mass Customized Learning National Summit. As more materials are ready, we will post them here.
Empowerment Sessions
“Using Learner Data to Customize Instruction” (Hope Herrick & Lindsay Mahoney) Click here for materials
Customizing the learning experience for learners has to start with identifying what each learner is ready for. Using data collected in our learner management system, Empower, we identify learning needs and group learners based on these needs. Empower allows us to identify strengths and weaknesses in groups of students and customize instruction and learning experiences. Monitoring a learner’s progress using technology can also provide opportunities for learners to monitor and have ownership in their learning.
“Community is Calling! Now What Do You Do!” (Rebecca Miller & Kyle Rhoads, Ed.D) Click here for materials
Participants will gain ideas and communication strategies to engage the greater school community to understand and support the mission/vision of customizing learning for all.
“School-wide Structures and Systems to Aid in Customizing Learning for K-3 Learners” (Rebecca Miller & Laura Record) Click here for materials
We will share school-wide structures as well as systems we’ve put in place across teams and grade levels in order to customize the learning for our learners.
“Flexible Grouping: A Path to Learner Engagement and Agency” (Rebecca Masse & Meghan Rowe) Click here for materials
In this session, participants will hear about how we have used flexible grouping in grades 3 & 4 at Park Avenue Elementary School in Auburn, Maine. Teachers will describe how they use data and learner voice and choice to group and regroup learners to best meet all needs. Teachers will also talk about the importance of informing families and the benefits of doing so.
“The Maine Cohort for Customized Learning Curriculum of Learner Outcomes” (Patricia Metta) Click here for materials
Learn how the MCCL Curriculum of Learner Outcomes not only focuses on learning targets but also incorporates the targeted proficiency level by applying a critical thinking taxonomy. Sample evidence for each learning target is incorporated for the different levels of rigor. Participants will learn how the design of this curriculum of learner outcomes allows for voice and choice, multiple pathways, anytime learning and outside learning opportunities.
“Learner Management Systems: More Than a Grade Book” (Elizabeth Firnkes & Kirby Reardon) Click here for materials
Participants will see how Cornville’s High School/Middle School Learning Facilitators are using their learner management system (Empower) to transform instruction and learning.
“Igniting Learner Passions with Self Directed Projects” (Elizabeth Firnkes, Crystal Priest & Kirby Reardon) Click here for materials
This team of learning facilitators will demonstrate how learners developed their own STEAM projects using the Maine 3 Circle Model of Instruction and career action plans. The presentation will include videos of learners presenting their projects and how resources were leveraged to make these projects possible.
“A Vision for Customized Secondary Education” (Elizabeth Firnkes, Crystal Priest, Kirby Reardon, Travis Works) Click here for materials
Leaders and learning facilitators from Cornville Regional Charter School will share the successes and challenges of their first year at designing their secondary Skowhegan Campus. They will also share their plans for identifying how their learner outcomes are “best learned” and how they will use that information to replace a traditional high school “course” structure with different types of learning opportunities including seminars, labs, tutorials and mentorships (as defined in Bea McGarvey’s work). They will demonstrate how they plan to use transformational technology to help design and schedule these flexible learning opportunities.
Ignite Sessions
“Preparing for Life: The Importance of Teaching Complex Reasoning & Habits of Mind” (Hope Herrick & Lindsay Mahoney) Click here for materials
Content Knowledge is essential, but useless for learners if they do not know how to reason and persevere through new and challenging material. We must explicitly teach learners how to analyze and use the content knowledge. Assuming that learners know how to analyze and use knowledge, leads to frustration on both the teacher and student’s part. Explicitly teaching learners skills in complex reasoning and habits of mind gives them the tools to be successful with new knowledge.
“Removing Roadblocks to Sharing Responsibility and Regrouping” (Rebecca Miller & Laura Record & Kyle Rhoads Ed.D) Click here for materials
Elementary teachers may challenge sharing responsibility for learners and using strategies such as flexible grouping. Come hear a brief version of a K-3, 800-student elementary school’s journey to shift from homogeneously-grouped classrooms to PLCs and regrouping learners as an institutionalized strategy for shared responsibility. Our story will ignite opportunity for all participants to discuss the topic in small groups facilitated by a member of our school.
“The “WHY” Factor” (Patricia Metta) Click here for materials
How do you explain to stakeholders the “WHY” behind your passion and commitment to transforming your learning community? When the MCL Vision “runs through your veins” how are you communicating with all your stakeholders about why it is important to change practices and structures like grading and how you group learners? Join us for a discussion about the different communication strategies leaders are using to build capacity and ownership.
“Communicating With All Stakeholders” (Linda Laughlin)
As we embark on 2nd order transformational change, learning facilitators and leaders have a lot to communicate to many different stakeholders. What communication strategies are you or have you used? What are you basing your message on? Do you have your own “elevator” speech so you can take advantage of those unplanned times that give you an opportunity to communicate about your vision? Join us for a discussion about basic communication strategies as well as key messages when addressing changes you are making to reporting, transcripts, college admissions, learner motivation, etc. Be prepared to share what you have done and learn from the experiences of your colleagues.